- First and foremost is reputation, which is the theoretical piracy downside. We know citizenship is earned through service to the Imperium.
- Is Citizenship taken away by misdeeds? (this is hinted in a Kid Crimson story)
- Is this automatic or must the Advocacy 'see' it (be present in the same system)? UPDATE: We now know that ship theft status is tied to insurance claims and the Advocacy will attack ships reported stolen, No word on the rep itself.
- Will reputation affect the planets you can dock at?
- Is reputation something that is easily identifiable (eg feed into FoF missiles)
- Can it be masked so that those of low repute can skirt the law?
- Can you earn reputation with other factions (e.g. pirates gangs) and races (Vanduul tribes)? Citizenship?
- Do accounts have multiple characters with different reputations / Citizenship?
- Ship capture: Ship boarding has been detailed (somewhat), but capture of smaller vessels has not. It has been said fighters (eg the Vanduul Scythe) can be captured by disabling the thrusters, but that's the end if the information.
- Boarding parties must kill crews on larger vessels. Is that also true on smaller ships?
- If so, how? Shoot the cockpit? Computer hack?
- Is a docking collar needed or will the new pilot just EVA? Or can you tow a fighter to port?
- Can the new owner simply repair and insure the craft or is license 'laundering' (a black market fee) required? UPDATE: From the Insurance update, the answer is yes. You must buy a new ship ID from the black market.
- How will ship capture defeat possible insurance exploits?
- How vulnerable is the pirate ship during the boarding process? For boarding, can a pirate drop his crew and immediately leave before the prey ship is secured?
- Can multiple ships dock with and board another vessel? Simultaneously? Back-to-back?
- Will there be specialized weapons for easier disabling of thrusters / ships? (EMPs were mentioned in Kid Crimson)
- Bounties: bounty hunter as a mentioned activity / profession.
- Are bounties issued for both PCs and NPCs?
- How does a PC get a bounty on his head?
- Can PCs put out bounties?
- Do other non-UEE factions have bounty systems? Ex Can a NPC pirate asteroid have bounty missions?
- Are all bounties for kills or are there captures? If so, how would a capture work?
- Are bounties single issue or perpetual (based on reputation; a standing bounty for those known as pirates)?
- Pirate bases: A past update mentioned there are NPC black market asteroid bases and derelict ones that can be inhabited
- Can these be 'owned' or are they only temporary objects?
- Can defense be installed?
- Will there be ways to restrict access once captured / found?
- Will NPC bases have full ship hangars, etc. to access capabilities similar to core worlds?
- Zones: it has been mentioned that some zones and routes are safer than others
- Are these classifications dynamic? If so, can players influence this or just events, etc.?
- Will faction reputation influence what areas are 'safe'?
- Could pirate PCs travel through some zones and be more secure that Citizen PCs?
- UPDATE: We now know that zones will have risk levels that determine the insurance needed. We don't know if these levels are static or not.